As it has been for the past week, sleep eluded me again. Consiering the fact that I have exams from Monday, 29th November 2011, this doesnt seem such bad a thing. But sadly, its kinda hard to study when you feel your eyelids beginning to droop and your eyes gettting red and yet, sleep escaping your clutches. The first rays of morning light are breaking outside and i peep through the window. And as i look out, i see the fog settling. And from the mist a figure emerges. At first, i can only see the outline. I look harder, my swollen bloodshot eyes straining to make the picture clearer. It appears to be a woman. She is wearing white. Hypnotised by her beauty, i keep staring. She seems like an angel, descended from heaven to take a look at this world, so unworthy of her. From behind her emerges another silhouette. By what i see, it appears to be a giant of a man. The giant stretches out his arm, going for the woman's neck. I shout out a warning signal. She is alarmed. She winces and tu...