While going about your life everyday, sometimes you stumble upon interesting and amusing thoughts or observations. Maybe because my mind is always in a super-critical/ super-cynical mode, I might tend to have more such observations. Until recently, I would post such thoughts/ observations on Facebook, as my status update or whatever. But now, as those who read my blog regularly (read as - nobody) will know, I have deleted my Facebook account. So I have decided that from now on, I will post them in a bunch here. Random Observation (RO) #1 The rich need ways to spend their money. So they buy tea for 500 bucks. RO #2 A boy and a girl (or a male and female, adult or otherwise) can only be "just" friends if there is ABSOLUTELY no possibility of any sexual activity. This would mean that a guy and a girl can only be friends if they are family (at least in most cases) or either of them is an out and out homosexual. Nothing, I repeat, nothing else can hinder that. Physica...