No, this is not about "Titanic" or "Romeo and Juliet", pieces of fiction written to appeal to the feeling of self-sacrifice in humans. This is the tragic story of a real man, a great man. Alan Turing was a British mathematician, logician and also a computer scientist. Though the title is not formally bestowed on him, he is considered as the "Father of computer science and artificial intelligence". During the World War II, Turing was responsible for breaking or "cracking" of many German codes and crypts. He even created a machine that would help in cracking different codes. He was considered a hero and a cult figure in Britain. He was considered to be so important in the war that it was not revealed until after the war that it was he who had cracked the code. The Brits were so concerned for his safety. After the war, Turing became a computer scientist and is responsible for many breakthroughs in this field. In 1952, it came to be know...