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Showing posts from February, 2013

The Mimbos' Theory

Before getting started, let me explain what a mimbo is. A mimbo is a male bimbo. A mimbo is a n attractive but empty-headed young man, esp. one perceived as a willing sex object. One of the many charming tactics used by the mimbos to impress women is to drive their bikes loudly and dangerously in small and snaky lanes. In the process, it is very likely that most of them have sustained injuries (fatal, serious and otherwise) and have also succeeded in scaring old people and the mimbos' targets, the women. The reasoning and logic behind this tactic is unquestionable, really. We all know that all women are impressed by a guy on a bike driving at 80 km/h, scaring the shit out of each and every person (barring other mimbos) walking on the road. Which woman wouldn't want to know that her potential boyfriend has the ability to kill her with his rash driving? At least the bimbos know what to do to impress men - show some skin. It looks like the mimbos are dumber than...

The Sleep Writer

Yesterday night, after falling asleep, I awoke suddenly, with an idea for a blog post. I sat up, thinking that I would definitely forget what I wanted to write about and looked around for a piece of paper to write a note. I found the pen and paper and wrote something, still sleepy. Even the lights were switched off. Today, after waking up in the morning, I remembered that I had written down something and looked to see what it was. Only four words were written - "critic fat guy food". I thought about what it could mean throughout the day.  Did I criticise a fat guy eating food and found this so amazing that I had decided to write a blog on it? Is there a fat critic who eats guy food (whatever that is supposed to mean)? I tried all permutations and combinations, but nothing seemed to make sense. What the hell was I thinking about in my sleep?! Then, on the way back home, it finally struck me! Eureka, I shouted. Well, I wish I had. But anyway, here is what I wan...