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Showing posts from April, 2013

Rock n Medicine

If you hear rock and its many deriving genres for the first time, its a safe bet that you will not like it. "What's with all the loud music and the shrieking lyrics?", you might inquire. I must confess, I felt the same way too. But now, I absolutely love rock n roll. It gives me strength during lows and makes me even happier when I'm already happy. I shudder to think about how different I might have been if I had gone down the lane of Linkin Park and Justin Bieber and other pop "musicians". To people who ask me, "How can you like rock/ metal music?", I always tell them this - rock is like medicines. You find it hard to swallow the first few times. It takes some getting used to. After a while, it's not a problem anymore. In fact, it makes you better. Both medicines and rock music. What a perfect analogy! Rock n' roll ain't noise pollution! It ain't no riddle man. To me it makes good, good sense. Yes, it does! (In the words o...

Lingual Differences

Goodbye. What does it even mean? Doesn't it sound a lot like "good riddance"? There you are, at the door, telling your guests what a wonderful time you had with them. A big smile on your face. "Goodbye". Then you shut the door, the smile disappears. "Finally", you think. For me, this is the scenario that comes to mind when I think about the word "goodbye". In Telugu, my native language, people say "Velli ostam" when departing, which roughly translates to "We'll be back soon". I don't know about you, but this sounds and feels a lot better. A lot more homely and loving. But of course, I must say, in most cases for me, "good riddance" is the correct feeling when I see someone's back. I wouldn't be so happy to hear them say "I'm coming back".

Now I Get it!

Cue a woman walking on the road. Cue all the men around gazing at her, half casually, half expectantly. This is something that is fairly common. Whenever there is a woman passing by, heads are turned in her general direction. This is something men do almost by instinct. No, I am not suggesting that I am the great saint who is above this. I must confess that I too am guilty. Must be hard being a girl. But then, a thought struck me, and voila! I finally understood the meaning behind the Burqa (the garment that Muslim women wear). The Muslims observed that men would stare (often at the wrong places) at women. They didn't approve of this. "Thou shalt not covet". They rose above this basic instinct. And they implemented the "Burqa law". Behold! There aint no using staring now! P.S: I am neither supporting the Burqa nor trying to make fun of it. Alright, maybe a little of the latter. This blog is merely written as a joke. As ever, don't read to...

The Idiot Box

Apparently, last week, the wedding ceremony of a minor celebrity (Telugu guy, I don't know who) was broadcasted on TV. It ran for over 3 hours and included an hour of "commercial breaks" at the very least. Yet, the ratings for this show was quite high. Millions of people found it interesting to sit through 3+ hours of mindless rubbish and ads. I doubt if I can sit through 30 mins of my own wedding ceremony, never mind some other person's. It's at times like these that I don't understand what the hell is wrong with people. This is not even voyeurism. There has to be a new word coined for such actions. Also, at times like these, I feel like I owe a lot of debt to my parents for not putting me through the ordeal of watching TV in my childhood.  Yep, that's right. Pretty much my whole life, I haven't had a TV in my home. Sure, there were times when I was bitter that I didn't have a TV. But now I understand the value. I'm quite s...

Ignore/ reject the obvious

There has been a murder in a quite little town. A sweet young girl has been brutally killed and the whole town is in a state of shock. The police start their investigation. The victim was, at the time of the murder, supposed to be spending time with her boyfriend/ fiance. The police wheel in the boyfriend/ fiance for questioning. He is very nervous and fidgety. He acts like he is guilty of murder. The police put him at the top of the suspect list. He is the prime suspect. Lover turned devil. Then, the police go ahead and take a look around at the boyfriend/ fiance's house. They find a piece of bloodied clothing or the weapon that was used to kill the victim. "Aha! Gotcha, you conniving son of a bitch! Your soul better belong to Jesus, cuz your ass belong in prison!" The police think, "Surely, this is the perpetrator". The boyfriend/ fiance is arrested, but he insists that he is innocent. He pleads with everyone and anyone to believe him. "How could I...