It was a Tuesday. That should've been a clue. Tuesday's are inauspicious and I should've known better (Mars 'rules' on this day of the week.. and you know how that works out, right?). But I had no choice. My college was starting on the next day and I had to get settled into the hostel. Okay, I'll be honest. It wasn't all bad. But experiencing stuff like an electricity transformer exploding, getting drenched thrice in the rain, sleeping on a bed with no mattress and waking up to find that a cat had given birth in your room – and all this in the space of barely 12 hours – is one hell of a roller coaster ride, don't you think? Oh and did I mention that there was only one cot in my hostel room that was supposed to accommodate two people. One heck of a way to start a new chapter in your life. After I had dumped my stuff off in the room, me and my roommate (who I was acquainted with even before joining University of Hyderabad) wanted to get to the ce...