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Showing posts from July, 2017

The Ugly Truth

Let's talk about poverty and skin colour today. Some random guy took this photograph of a girl child in the arms of a lady beggar. Now, in India, this is not an unusual scene. Everyday, we are confronted with such stark inequality in our society. But, the gentleman in question has arrived at a conclusion that this girl is missing and is being used by a begging "Mafia" (which is something rich people convince themselves is real so that they don't feel guilty about having so much more than others). Does he arrive at the same conclusion every time he sees a girl child in the arms of a beggar? No. The why in this case? The answer is obvious. The girl is not dark. She's fair. Now, it is entirely possible that this girl has indeed been kidnapped or abducted. But it is also entirely possible that she hasn't been. We get a sneak peek into the mind of a typical privileged Indian. The girl is fair, so she obviously must not be poor. He immediately ju...