Human's are in their very own way, objects of curiosity. The behaviour of humans in certain situations is very interesting and funny. I like to call observing humans and their little awkward behaviour as "Human watching", inspired by British author Desmond Morris, who uses the term in his books. In certain social interactions, people tend to be a little dishonest. This dishonesty, when becomes apparent at a later stage, generally leads to a tension between the two parties and an inadvertently creates social awkwardness. This social awkwardness has been dubbed as a "Larry David moment", due to the sit-com "Curb Your Enthusiasm" starring Larry David. Let me explain what i have been saying with an example. Recently, i had gone to watch movie with a friend of mine. After getting into the waiting area of the theater, i spotted another friend (more of an acquaintance really, rather than a friend) and he walked up to me and the usual "hellos" ...