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Showing posts from December, 2014

Four types of people

Just came across this poem, which has struck a chord with me. I am not a fan of poetry (at least English poetry), but I find this poem be very true and wise. There are four types of people He who knows not and knows not he knows not. He is a fool, shun him; He who knows not and knows he knows not. He is simple, teach him; He who knows and knows not he knows. He is asleep, wake him; He who knows and knows he knows. He is wise, follow him! There is one change that I would like to make to this poem. Do not follow wise people blindly. Even wise people can act like fools some times. PS: I do not know who has written this poem. A Google search has also failed to return answers, although it suggested that this is in fact not a poem but the translation of an Arabic proverb. See, I told ya I am not a fan of poetry. :)

Open your eyes, O Indian!

My dear Indians, it pains me to see our country today. While we embrace foreign culture, trying our best to be accepted by the white race, the West in turn has been looking towards us. The West has realized that there is truth and wisdom in the Indian ways. They have adopted our age old practices like yoga, vipasana and Gita. We copy their burgers and junk food. Indians knew everything before the West even figured out North and South. We split the atom, we had nuclear missiles. What's that? How did such an advanced civilization meet its death and was so easily enslaved by foreigners, you ask? Never mind that. My point is, these days, you see in the West that men are marrying women less than half their age. In India (Bharat?), we had this too. It was called child marriage. While we have foolishly abolished this system, the West has adopted it. That's why the new government's commitment to restore our ancient culture while simultaneously kissing every foreign big bus...