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Showing posts from December, 2015

Buying alcohol in Kerala - A Soup Nazi Experience

I have mentioned my love for the sit-com 'Seinfeld' many times in this blog. So you can imagine the sense of surreal that I experienced when I lived an almost parallel experience just a few days ago in Kerala. One of the best moments in the sit-com is when George and Jerry go to order soup from a store whose owner is referred to as 'the Soup Nazi'. To understand why, please see the video below. The process of buying alcohol in Kerala is almost identical. (If any of you non-existent readers are shocked at this revelation, that's right, I'm an amoral alcohol consumer) Right from the long and winding queue (which is always stunningly long) to the strict, impatient people behind the counter, there are many similarities. Firstly, it was a shock for me to see Indians - Indians eager to consume alcohol, nonetheless - following a queue. The guy sitting behind the counter is very impatient, ready to type out your order, collect the money and hand you the receip...