Firstly, the very method of testing a person's knowledge via "examinations" is in itself questionable. Let us say that we excuse it's many shortcomings and accept it as the norm.
Yes, exams need to have rules and regulations. I wouldn't like people to be able to copy and cheat in an exam (this may be a controversial opinion for many of my peers, but what the hell).
What irks me though are the totally irrational and nonsensical rules that are implemented in exams (at least in my college, if not for everyone).
1) No leaving before the stipulated time has passed. If the exam is, say, for 3 hours, the student is not allowed to leave until those 3 hours have passed. Even if he/ she has finished the exam.
You are expected to just sit there and stare into space.
2) Okay. Don't let me leave until the regulated time. But at least, let me sleep!
But, no. Sleeping in the exam hall is considered as a sacrilege. "How dare you sleep in the exam hall?". "Is this a sleeping hall or exam hall?". These are some of the sarcastic and cliched sentences that the invigilators use when you have put your head down.
One time, an invigilator took one step ahead and asked me, in typically third rate sarcasm, "Shall I supply you with a pillow?". I looked at him for a couple of seconds and nodded my head. He was even more outraged at this.
3) No leaving the class to have a drink of water or to answer a nature call.
This is the most incredible and outrageous rule of all. It is an abuse of human rights. If I want to have some water, I damn well can. If I want to pee, I will. Nobody can stop me from doing so. It should be noted however, that the invigilator has a break, but also gets supplied with tea.
Double standards!
On the other hand, there are some sensible rules. No exchanging of stationery items, not talking, etc. These rules make sense and I would encourage them. But the ones I have mentioned earlier are just a load of crap and hopefully will not survive for much longer.
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