And we enter double figures in the Random Observations series.. Hurray!!
RO #1
How can you say that the caste system in India has been abolished when 90 % (or maybe even more) of the marriages are intra-caste ones?
RO #2
I have an idea to instantly make the world a better place. Firstly, delete the comments section on YouTube. Also on other famous sites. I don't know what it is about the internet that attracts only the worst sort of people to use the comments section, but it's got some of the most vile, disgusting and nauseating comments.
And secondly, ban vehicle horns. So many pricks on the road always honking and harassing those ahead of them.
If these two are implemented, the world immediately becomes much better.
RO #3
It is quite common to see a group of people belonging to one religion laughing at the belief system or scriptures of another religion, saying how ridiculous and foolish they are.
From the view point of an atheist, this is even more hilarious. You know.. because the scriptures and belief system of the religion 1 is also just as ridiculous as that of the ones they are laughing at.
RO #4
Have you known (or been) any teenage or 20 year old couples discussing the names of their unborn children and how they would like to get married, etc? Why do they do this?
They're effing 18 years old. Their relationship probably won't even last a couple of years. Why do they do stupid stuff like naming their children (even the gender of the kids is determined - "we're going to have two girls and one boy"). This only puts additional burden on the relationship.
And when (if?) they break up, they're going to think about the times they spent discussing their kids' names, which is bound to make you feel even worse. "I thought we were going to get married and grow old together.. but this happened"
Maybe for normal people, it's adorable. Cute. But for me, it's foolish.
P.S If you're interested to see the other parts of the ROs, here's the link
P.S If you're interested to see the other parts of the ROs, here's the link
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